Are Pregnancy Hormones Cramping Your Style?

Denise ChiribogaPregnant Mama, Prenatal Health


Am I just having a cranky day or is it the pregnancy hormones?

Do you ever have those days when you keep thinking inside your head: “ I just don’t have time for this shit.” Yeah  I’m totally having one of those days. Everything is bugging me:

  • The 3 people walking side by side on the sidewalk taking up all of the sidewalk, like how am I supposed to pass?
  • People standing on both sides of the escalators (don’t you know the rules? Stand right, walk on the left)
  • People who take longer in the change room than I do. I have more items then they do AND I’m pregnant and can definitely change in half the time. (what’s the hold up?)

Yeah, you can probably tell that I’ve been to the mall today!

Perhaps it’s just that I’m in a rush trying to GSD (that’s nice for “get shit done”) during my lunch hour. Or maybe it’s just that there are some seriously wacky pregnancy hormones that make us (or just me) just want everyone to get the heck outta’ the way so I can continue to do what I need to do.

So I did a little digging to find out exactly what hormones are racing through a pregnant woman’s body during amazing life growing time in her life. 

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)- produced by the placenta, and tells your body that there is a life growing. HCG sends signals to the ovaries to shut off the production of a maturing egg every month. It’s also the hormone that at home pregnancy tests test for in urine.

Progesterone- also called the pregnancy hormone, as it’s essential before and during pregnancy. It helps keep a supportive environment by keeping the placenta functioning properly for the growing fetus, keeps the uterus muscles relaxed, and stimulates growth of breast tissue. It’s with this hormone that prompts digestive discomfort like indigestion, heartburn and constipation.

Estrogen  helps the uterus grow and also maintains the uterine lining to keep baby safe. It increases blood circulation and activates milk production in the breasts, as well as stimulate the development and growth of baby’s organs and adrenal glands. This hormone is said to be the cause of the pregnancy ‘glow’ as well as the not so nice spider veins, nausea, and skin changes that can occur.

Oxytocin – sometimes called the ‘love hormone’ or referred to as the ‘bonding chemical’ said to be the hormone that triggers labor, and also stimulates milk production after the birth of your baby.

Prolactin increases during pregnancy to help make breastmilk. Levels stay high even after birth if you are breast-feeding.

Relaxin the hormone that helps loosen up the ligaments to help prepare for delivery through the birth canal. It’s due to this looseness which results in abnormal joint motion and the reason why many pregnant mammas experience aches, pain and inflammation in parts of her body especially her back and pelvis.

So now  you and I know what all the hormones are that are raging through our bodies during pregnancy, but I haven’t found any substantial evidence as to why I’m feeling so much like “people – get outta’ the way.” Though perhaps it’s because I’m actually now starting to feel the relaxin hormone kick in. And here I am thinking I had this pregnancy hormone under control (because I remember how it affected me and  during my first pregnancy and what caused it). But perhaps all this rushing around has just got my body starting to tell me to SLOW DOWN.

If you’re feeling the effects of pregnancy hormones, here are some managing tips:

Take it easy – sleep when you need to sleep. (and I don’t mean at your desk at work!) but make sure to get to bed at a good time. Let your husband clean up after dinner or put your other children to bed. Take some time to do something for yourself, such as a relaxing Epsom salt bath or get a massage.

Slow down – don’t be in such a rush.  Walk calmly without rushing.  Rushing and walking faster than you need to causes your already relaxed joints to move even more loosely causing aches and pains (**note to self, this is the one I really need to focus on)

Bond with your partner and baby – take time for both of you to really focus on each other, and on baby. Massage each other, (more massaging done to you than you to your partner!!) Go on a date, enjoy some alone time, go on a vacation. Rub your baby and talk to him or her to show baby how much you love him/her.

Do something enjoyable – read that book you’ve been meaning to read, make a dent in that magazine stack that’s been piling up,  go to that yoga class you’ve been wanted to try out, or what about that TV show you’ve been meaning to watch but just haven’t had time to take a break to watch it. And what about that cookie recipe you’ve been dying to try out? Yeah there are tones of enjoyable things you could do. Pick one, and take some time out to enjoy yourself.

Spend time in nature Go outside, take a walk in the sunshine, and enjoy nature! Time alone or with a loved one taking in the sun, or the crisp autumn leaves and fresh air is sure to make you feel rejuvenated and uplift your mood, and may even help you sleep better if you need help in that department.

Manage your stress- Find a way to decompress. Need to vent? Text, email or call a friend- tell them about it to get it off your chest. Exercise to get your blood flowing and release some pent up energy. Or relax and calm your mind with some prayer, meditation, or silent devotional time.

What pregnancy hormones are affecting you, and how are you or have you dealt with them?

xoxo Denise