backside of me showing glutes

Back Pain After Pregnancy Glute Exercises (GET PAIN FREE)

Denise ChiribogaPostnatal Fitness

So my friend and I were out shopping and buying stuff for the kids in the mall.

It was a total moms only afternoon. You know, complete with fancy Starbucks coffee and just purely enjoying our time out without kids!

While we were walking, every once in awhile she had to stop and do some stretches for her back.

I asked her what was up, she said that ever since she had her kids she always had low back pain.  She said she talked to her doctor about it, but he said that it was her “new normal” now that she was a mom.

WHAT the what now?

What kind of unacceptable response is this from her doc? 

Living with an achy back after having kids doesn’t have to be your “new normal” at all.

In fact, you can change this “new normal,” you just need to know how.

Truth be told, I’d estimate that 80% of my clients have low back pain, and once we start training together they find that the pain significantly improves and in many cases goes away altogether.

Much of it is because of the poor mom posture we have in pregnancy which we carry into postpartum and make it even worse with the way we pick up our kids, carry our kids, and mothering in general. You can find more about the 4 bad habits that moms have that are causing back pain in this video here.

One of the biggest complaints that I hear from moms is that they really want to work out, but they don’t want to deal with the back pain that comes along with it, so exercise just doesn’t happen.

And that’s what today’s video is all about. It’s about giving you a workout that will:

1. Help get rid of the back pain
2. And strengthen your glute muscles 🍑at the same time 

You see having strong glutes in pregnancy and postpartum is so important in  helping keep us pain free, to ensure that we use our butt muscles (aka the peach 🍑) instead of the back muscles. In short, the back pain is just a symptom of the greater issue which is weak butt 🍑muscles.
So if you’ve got low back pain, make sure to do this glute strengthening workout with me to help get rid of back pain, and to get stronger glutes. After all, they go hand in hand.

Leave me a comment and let me know how the workout goes, and what you’re currently doing to minimize the back pain.

In Fitness & Nutrition

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