Girl resting on bed

Bed Rest During Pregnancy First Trimester Stretching Exercise Routine

Denise ChiribogaFitness, Pregnant Mama, Prenatal Fitness, Prenatal Health

If you’re subjected to your bed for a majority of your pregnancy, it’s a real pain.

Sure you want to do everything you can in your power to keep your baby and yourself safe, but it doesn’t mean lying in bed all day, every day is easy.

You’re doing all the thing trying to occupy yourself and keep from going stir crazy, and if your doctor has approved you for gentle movement while lying down, you definitely need to try this gentle bed rest stretching workout routine.

No weights, no resistance, just easy body weight movement to keep your blood flowing, and to help keep your energy up.

Click here to do the stretching workout with me.

*Make sure to check with your doctor before exercising while on bedrest.