Christmas plate tips for healthy eating

5 Healthy Eating Tips for Holiday Parties

Denise ChiribogaHealth, Nutrition

Work parties, family parties and more parties around the holidays can really sideline your healthy eating lifestyle. Here are 5 tips for navigating parties around the holidays, and how you can keep to your healthy way of eating without sabotaging your clean eating efforts.

1. Bring something healthy to eat
Even if it’s not a potluck meal, hosts appreciate when you help out in some way. Bring a healthy salad or appetizer that is full of nutrition that you can eat even if everything else served isn’t up to your clean eating standards.

2. Hydrate
Make sure you are drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated. Since people often confuse thirst with hunger they end up overeating when they should simply just be drinking more water. Water will also fill your stomach and help to keep your portions in check.

3. Eat at home
If you are unsure of the nutritional quality of the food that will be served, why not first eat a healthy meal, snack or protein shake at home. That way you know you’ve eaten what your body requires, but also are satiated enough you won’t have room to gorge on the unhealthy stuff, and you can stick to the veggie and fruit tray.

4. Eat until you are satisfied not until you are full
This is a lifelong tenant to live by. No one likes the feeling of being so stuffed they’re rolling on the ground, or need a nap after dinner. So eat until your hunger has been satiated and not until you are bursting at the seams wishing you didn’t have that second helping of stuffing. The best way to do this is by eating mindfully; eat intentionally, eat slowly, and listen to your hunger cues.

5. Decide where you want to splurge
It is a special time of year after all. Decide where you want to splurge. Is it on that glass of eggnog, or on that special dessert that you know will be served later in the day? Feel free to enjoy your once-a –year-treat, be picky and choosy, and eat or drink it slowly to savor the flavor and truly enjoy your indulgence.

Remember, life is all about balance. It’s ok to indulge every now and again, especially on those treats you only eat once a year. Just make sure that you don’t overdo it and feel sorry for yourself and fall off the healthy eating wagon the next day, and instead get back to your regular scheduled clean eating lifestyle.

Cheers to health, wealth and enjoying the Christmas and New Year’s holidays!
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