Glute foam rolling

Avoid Glute Muscle Soreness With Foam Rolling (Full Routine)

Denise ChiribogaFitness, Health, Postnatal Fitness, Prenatal Health

Here’s something you might not know. That muscle soreness that you feel the next day or two after a workout, isn’t the desired result of a workout. 

If you’ve ever had a really hard butt and leg workout and you cringe at the thought of squatting on the toilet for the next 24 hours, this should not be the goal of your hard leg and butt workout. 

stairs after leg day

I want my latest YouTube video to be a valuable resource that turns your post workout 24-48 hours around for you.

That soreness you’re experiencing isn’t bringing you better results, in fact it’s detrimental to your strength training gains as it’s preventing you from doing your next few days workouts, ending with you taking more rest days than you want to.

Here’s where I break down the steps I take after my hard leg and booty workout days, and it’s always how I get my clients to not feel so sore the day or so after a hard lower body workout. 

This, my friend is going to be a game-changer in your workout routine, especially if you’re one who says “oh I’ll stretch later” and it NEVER happens!!

This is the exact muscle recovery and foam rolling routine I do with my clients and that I do myself. Watch it now here

Make sure to watch till the very end cause I’m sharing with you two other muscle recovery secrets that hardly anyone knows about – these two non stretching tips that help reduce the muscle soreness after a hard workout.

What’s your preferred way to stretch and rest your msucles after a hard workout?

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