stroller workout pic with park

Stroller Workout (Legs & Booty)

Denise ChiribogaFitness, New Mama, Postnatal Fitness

Hey Mama, if you’re at home with babies or kids during this summer and you spend a lot of time taking stroller walks outside, then this workout is for you!

Walking is great and all, but for a lot of moms I talk to, walking just isn’t enough, and they’re looking for more of a workout than plain old walking can give them.

That is why I created this 20 minute Stroller Workout for you!

All you gotta’ do is pop your ear phones, click the link and do the stroller workout with me while walking around your neighbourhood or local park. It’s a timed workout so you’ll know exactly when to begin and stop each leg lift, or squat or whatever exercise it is that you’re doing.

Do the Stroller Workout with me, and hit reply and let me know how it went.

In Fitness & Nutrition

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