The Simple Exercise Every New Mom Needs to do NOW

Denise ChiribogaFitness, Health, New Mama, Postnatal Fitness

It sounds so simple but this is almost always the cornerstone to starting an exercise program, especially after having a baby.

After having my first child people asked me how I lost the baby weight so quickly. And I was always afraid that my answer would sound silly to them because it was so simple and easy.

I got back to reasonably good shape after my first child – but now 8 weeks postpartum with my second child, I feel like it’s taking my body a little longer this time around to lose the weight. This time around I’m doing more activity in my basement gym as I’m now certified to train post natal moms and help them restore their core and pelvic floor – so I’m strength training with safe postpartum exercises, however the one thing I haven’t been doing is walking my 4km a day.

My firstborn was a May baby which meant after she was born I was outdoors ASAP walking at least 4km a day to the grocery store and back.

However my second child born in February has the downfall of being a winter baby, meaning I haven’t been out walking that much this time around. In nice days we walk to and from daycare to drop off my daughter. But so far this spring hasn’t proven nice enough to do every day.

When to start walking

Fist thing first- take the first few weeks to rest. On my second week post partum I walked 2km around a local mall. I thought I could do it no problem. Boy was I wrong and exhausted. I definitely overdid it.

My first suggestion is to take time to bond with ur baby- get outdoors but don’t try to do or walk too much or too far. You will be sore, you will be tired and your body needs to heal down there. So give yourbody time to recover and rest.

Second thing I suggest is walk a little bit each day. Walk as much as you are comfortable and as slow as u need to, gradually working up your speed and distance when it feels right for you.

Benefits of walking
Walking is so beneficial for your brain- just getting in the great outdoors is like a breath of fresh air for your brain, you become mentally alert, more clear and have a feeling of awakeness. Walking lowers anxiety and depression and can help increase confidence.

Energy begets energy, and for any new mom who feels overwhelmed and tired (but not lacking sleep) I suggest a quick walk outdoors to energize your mind, body and spirit, which usually gives you more energy than you had before you went for a walk.Even if your walk is just a walk around the block or to get the mail, every little bit counts.

Make it a habit to get outdoors in the morning and the afternoon. A half hour here, and twenty minutes here every day adds up, and will help get your body back, or train your new mom body. Remember, it will take time, so don’t be hard on yourself when your body doesn’t shrink down to the size you want it to, when you want it to.

Walking Posture
Your body has been through a significant change and although it may sound silly, here are some posture tips and reminders to help keep your body alignment and posture as it should be and without potential injury:
• While holding onto the stroller handles, keep your elbows at 90 degrees
• Keep your chest proud and do not round or hunch your shoulder. (Pull your shoulders back and squeeze them together like you have an orange between shoulder blades and then relax them down)
• Do not lean your body on the handlebars
• Breath deeply using your diaphragm rather than the shallow breath that we do most of the day

Perhaps you’re ready to get outside, get your body moving and enjoy some fresh air.

If you live in the York Region area, consider joining one of my 8-week Spring Shape up Stroller Fit classes. Common out and get your fit on while meeting new friends, and getting some much needed fresh air.


Stroller Fit

Stroller Fit

Hit me up on social media, my website or email for more information or to sign up.

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