woman doing cardio abs workout

Cardio Abs Workout For Intermediate Women To Burn Belly Fat

Denise ChiribogaFitness

The one thing I’m always asked about: “What do I gotta do to burn belly fat?”

Well there are a bunch of things that you need to do, one involves eating healthy nutritious foods. 

The other is doing the right exercises. 

Can you do crunches all day to burn belly fat and get a six pack?

Not gunna’ happen.

The truth is that you need to engage and exercise your whole body in order to lose belly fat, not just spot train your abs. 

Doing crunches and other ab exercises will make strong abdominal muscles, but if they are hidden under a layer of fat, no one will see them. (For the record, I do not have a six pack. I don’t necessarily desire them. I have a softer feminine midsection and I’m happy with that, and it looks great on my body.) 

Full body workouts, strength training, and abdominal training,  HIIT and cardio are all great for working the entire body to lose fat all over and build strong abs.

If you’re looking for such a workout, today is your day!

Because no one wants to do cardio for 30 minutes straight, and no one wants to do crunches  all day long either, I’ve married the two into a cardio abs workout that will burn body fat, increase your heart health, and work to build strong abdominal muscles. 

Click here to do the 15 min workout with me, and tell me if you love me or hate me after this workout. 

PS, if you’re a beginner, I show you ways to regress the workout and make it suitable for you.

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