girl holding muffins

How to Increase Milk Supply Naturally (Lactation Muffins)

Denise ChiribogaPostnatal Nutrition, Recipes

Let’s talk breastfeeding and milk production.

If you’re a breastfeeding mom, or perhaps you are pregnant and your baby is almost here, you’re probably wondering how in the world you’re going to keep up your milk supply, which foods you should eat, what you shouldn’t eat, and how you’re going to be able to possibly produce enough milk to store in the freezer!!!

I’ve been there, and done that.

Although I never had a huge stash of extra milk in the freezer, I always had just enough when I needed it.

When I was breastfeeding my babies, one thing I drank to help produce breast milk was fenugreek tea. The only problem with that was that it made my body odour incredibly smelly. 

So I created these muffins using two milk producing foods: oats and fenugreek tea to help keep my milk supply up, and keep my body odour down. 

It really did work!! No more smelly body odour with these muffins.

Oh, and if you aren’t lactating, don’t worry, you and your hubby and kids can still enjoy these muffins. No one has to know they also help lactating mammas!!

If you want a list of some foods and herbs that help produce more milk, check out this blog post.

In Fitness & Nutrition

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